Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Usual bunch of mixes and audio treats from the wonderful world of the internet for your enjoyment. Been sitting on some of these for quite a while, so apologies if any of the sendit type links have expired.
  • Recent David Rodigan Interview from UKRG radio. Not the best audio quality, but a very good listen nonetheless.

  • Naphta's appearance on Metalx's 'Its too loud' radio show from last month makes it onto Breaksblog. Featuring tunes from his forthcoming album (coming on our own label: The Fear later this summer), and some very incisive commentary. An essential download for junglists.

  • Another must for jungle/hardcore fans. Two mixes featuring the Shut up and Dance crew - one from the early '£10 to get in' years, and another (the really exciting one) from their later incarnation as 'Blackman' on Red Light Records, when they produced some of the most ruffneck (and rare) reggae influenced Jump-up ever pressed to wax.

  • Owen Howard's Myspace mixes. Came across this fella through a link refferal. Quality genre-spanning work. Good to see a bit of thought put into some mixes for a change.

  • Gutta links up a big DJ Kano mix (4th post down).

  • Dunno how many of you have seen Mutant Sounds? These guys are serious crate diggers, offering all kinds of obscurities for download - in fact their rate of upload is so fast that its practically impossible to keep up! Check it out if you like industrial/postpunk/Krautrock/pschedelic/NDW/crazy jazz/generally freaky music.

  • Just came across Modyfier via Deeptime - Admittedly I havent had a chance to digest all the material on offer yet, but I really like her style. Lovely sketches accompanying the posts.

  • The utterly essential African Serenades is coming to an end after 50 episodes. Im particulalry upset about this as the earlier episodes have all expired and I lost the first 40 or so in a technological SNAFU. Anyone willing to upload some for me?

  • Not a lot of mixing going on, but a great selection of 80's dancehall: Mastermind Computer Style 2 from Copenhagen's Firehouse Sound.

  • Another quality mix from the BAF board. 80s/90s digital roots from the impressive Iality Sound System.
Right - thats your lot! Back soonish with some more substantial input. Theres a lot of very exciting stuff in the works for June...


Blogger Owen said...

Cheers Droid! Been a bit slack on updating those mixes, but this gave me the necessary kick in the arse to throw another up this week. Thanks!

5:25 PM  
Blogger droid said...

Cant wait to hear it Owen. Keep up the good work mate!

11:38 PM  
Blogger Owen said...

^^ Done and done...

4:58 PM  

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