Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Dubstep Interludes

I don't normally post much about dubstep, and Im not about to start now, but a few things have caught my eye recently:

Ben UFO going from strength to strength on his Ruffage sessions. Though I'm rarely listening live Ive been downloading this religiously for yonks now. Top quality mixing and a selection thats varied enough to keep even the jaded grumblers like myself happy. Latest episode is here.

Generation Bass on MAH. Though her breathless exhortations and over hyping drives me mental, this one is solid. Especially liking the Joker and Starkey sets. Is it really 3(!) years since dubstep wars? Get the mp3 here.

Brilliant FACT mix linking the wonky synth movement currently all the rage with the very unfashionable synth monsters of the 70s and 80s. Beautifully put together, and educational too. Needless to say Im a big fan of DJs mixing dubstep up with different electronic genres... after all, thats what its made for!

Ramadanman guest mix at dub war. Great set from the Hessle don, full of unreleased tunes and naughty dubs. Spot the odd tune out.

Grievous Angel on the tortuously subtitled Electronic Explorations show. Been waiting for this for a while now. In retrospect i should probably have just asked Paul for an advance copy! Hes good like that ;).

And thats yer lot.


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