Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sting we a Sting

This is 5 months after the fact of course, but I just found a good summary on Youtube so here's a brief dip into the lunatic and increasingly cynical world of dancehall stageshow clash.

For those that don't know, Sting 08 was the latest escalation of the fued between the Gullyside (Mavado) and Gaza (Vybez Kartel) crews, with Mavado (aka Mafraudo) ostensibly representing the Alliance... and Kartel (aka Bleach Boy) representing the Portmore empire. I'm not a fan of either artist to be honest, and things have been going downhill on the clash side of things since the melee at Sting '03 in my opinion, but it is worrying that with all these alliances and factions (and the blind loyalty they elicit from fans), dancehall seems to be becoming more and more reflective of garrison mentality and the seemingly intractable and perrenialy antagontistic political scenario in Jamaica...


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